Instructions Following IPL, RF and ST Treatment

  • Hydration - Keep your body hydrated and drink plenty of water.
  • Exposure to sunlight - We advise you to wear high SPF sunscreen (at least SPF 30) and protect the treated area by avoiding direct exposure to sunlight and avoid the use of tanning beds for the entire treatment course. The use of tanning beds or direct exposure to sunlight after treatment sessions may enhance melanin regeneration, which may result in hyperpigmentation. - Maintain body temperature – Refrain from raising body temperatures by hot baths, sauna, steam etc., as well as avoid excessive exercise (as this heats up the body) for at least 48 hours to avoid adverse reactions.
  • Treatment area - Avoid the following:
    •  Picking or scratching the treated area.
    • Exfoliating or peeling for 7 days.
    • Wearing tight clothing.
    • Swimming – avoid swimming in highly chlorinated water.
    • Hygiene – treatment area should remain clean and dry.
  • Home care depilation methods (such as waxing, plucking, threading or creams) should be suspended for the entire duration of the photo-epilation treatment schedule as these interrupt with the hair's natural growth cycle and may affect treatment results.
  • Makeup – makeup can be applied immediately after treatment. However, we advise you to stop makeup application if the treatment site scales or exfoliates.

Treatment Follow-Up

  • Exposure to sunlight – Patients should use sunscreen with a high SPF and protect the treated area by avoiding direct exposure to sunlight and the use of tanning beds.
  • Maintain body temperature – Refrain from hot baths, sauna, steam etc., as well as excessive exercise for at least 48 hours.
  • Avoid picking or scratching treated area.
  • Avoid exfoliation and peels for 7 days.
  • Refrain from wearing tight clothing.
  • Home care depilation methods should be suspended.